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I wanted to set up this page to show you some of the posts you should read to get you on your social journey

I have split this page into 4 sections

  • Basics of social business
  • Why use social media
  • How to use social media
  • Theories to help run a social business



Social Business

What is social media?

What is social data?

How do you sell in the social era

How to create a business case for social selling

Why you don’t need to buy any social software > > How to get started with social business for free

I wish social was NOT in my job title > > How will social business become successful

Why you don’t need a social media strategy

Can conflict in social business be a good thing?

Why @o2 failed with their promoted tweet about #blackberrysale > > Example of how to use social data

What is the future of Social Media? Series Intro

What is the future of Social Media? Part 1 – Television

What is the future of Social Media? Part 2 – Retail

Whose job is social media in an organisation?

Can social media replace email?


Why use social

Why use social media?

Why should you write a blog and what can you achieve in 63 days?

Why should a new employee use social media?

Why complain using social media?

What does YOUR personal brand say about YOU? > >  A introduction to personal branding

Why should HR use social media?

Should you use Google + ?

Why should a CIO use Twitter? 

How to use social media

How to write your first blog

How to find ideas to write in your blog

How to use twitter at a conference

How to get people to share your content on social networks?

How to use social media during your event

How to find out information you need to know through social media

6 tips to kick start your business social network > > 6 tips How start your business social network

How to get started using social networks in four steps

How to decide where to draw the line between personal and professional > >  What is the difference between personal and business social networking

How to create a good profile on LinkedIn

Theories to help in a social business

How do I motivate people to buy?

How can I motivate people to buy ? Part two

How can I become an expert?

How does religious leadership compare to business leadership?

Is an employee the same as a customer?

How to enter a sales meeting as the underdog


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