How to inspire
One of the most inspiring people I have come across is Simon Sinek. He has some great thoughts and ideas around how great leaders inspire action. This video changed my life. I watched it three times in a row and many times since. If I was religious Simon Sinek would be my god!
Why you HAVE to be honest
I have followed Marcus Sheridan for years now. This talk summarises all the great stuff I have learnt about being honest and transparent. He has been a great influence on me
How to start a movement
Explained in three minutes. This is a great video to tell you what you need to do if you want to create change in society in any way. You need to make a stand for what you belive in but for you to start a movement you need to inspire some followers otherwise, you are just a crazy guy on his own.
The greatest marketing video in the world
Learn from the best. Watch this Apple promotional video from 1997. Pure genius. This is why I love Apple.
Inspiring quotes
“If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse”
Henry T Ford (Inventor of the mass-produced motor car)
“The difference between a mad man and a genius is success”