Why you don’t need a Social Media Strategy from #smwldn

I have had a busy week this week, having spoken at four separate events. Yesterday I had the privilege of being asked to deliver a presentation at Facebook’s London office as part of Social Media Week 2012. I had a room full of people for an hour to share my views about social business. It was a great experience to […]

Can conflict in social business be a good thing?

When I work from home and take a break to eat lunch I normally get my iPad out, open the TED app and watch a video to see if I can find any additional inspiration for the afternoon. Yesterday I searched for leadership and came across Margaret Heffernan’s talk called “Dare to disagree.” The official […]

What is social media?

Social Media means so many things to so many people,  I thought I would add my 2 cents. I want to start by agreeing with Gary Vaynerchuk in saying that there is no such thing as “social media”. Social media is just a term to describe the current state of the internet. Just in the […]

What is the future of Social Media? Part 2 – Retail

This post is part two of my “What is the future of Social Media” series. I am creating and curating some predictions around where I believe social media could change the way we do business. Each article will focus on a specific industry sector. You can find part one which discusses The future of Social […]

Whose job is social media in an organisation?

This post discusses whose responsibility it is to look after social media within an organisation. So who does it lie with? Marketing? Traditionally, you would say marketing. It is their role to build awareness of a companies products and to build the company brand. These are the experts at creating and carrying out a marketing campaign. Are […]

Is an employee the same as a customer?

A strange question you may think. If you are the leader within an organisation you should read on. The comparison I am trying to make is between an employee who loves their job and a loyal customer who loves your company. A loyal employee will be the one who comes to work and loves every […]

Why complain using social media?

If you complain by phone or by email, how many people know about it? No one. Just you and the person at the end of the phone or opening the email. When you complain using social media, it is as though you are standing on the top of a tower block shouting your complaint to […]