Crowd sourced summary of #SBS2012 in 63 tweets!

Due to the popularity of my last crowd sourced summary I thought I would continue on with the social collaboration. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the conversation using the event hashtag #SBS2012. The Social Business Summit 2012 was held in London on June 21st 2012. The event was organised by Dachis Group and sponsored [...]

How does religious leadership compare to business leadership?

I have spent a fair amount of time over the last few months "preaching" about the benefits of social media. Some people get it and some people don't. It got me thinking about the remarkable similarities between a religious leader and a great business leader. One of the definitions of religion is: "body [...]

Crowd sourced summary of #SBSS12 in 60 tweets!

In the true spirit of social collaboration I thought I should crowd source the content for this summary. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the conversation using the event hashtag #SBSS12. The Social Business Strategy Summit was held in London on May 31st 2012. The event was organised by in association with BPT partners. [...]

How can I become an expert?

To become an expert I think you need two things. You actually need to know enough about your field to be an expert, and then you need to prove it to people. This article will show you some of the ways of using social media so you can become an expert. The first thing you [...]

Whose job is social media in an organisation?

This post discusses whose responsibility it is to look after social media within an organisation. So who does it lie with? Marketing? Traditionally, you would say marketing. It is their role to build awareness of a companies products and to build the company brand. These are the experts at creating and carrying out a marketing campaign. Are [...]

Is an employee the same as a customer?

A strange question you may think. If you are the leader within an organisation you should read on. The comparison I am trying to make is between an employee who loves their job and a loyal customer who loves your company. A loyal employee will be the one who comes to work and loves every [...]

What is the future of Social Media? Part 1 – Television

A couple of weeks ago when I was bored on a Saturday night at home, I downloaded an app called Zeebox for my iPad. This is a new concept for an app which uses the second screen concept. The second screen provides an experience that enhances what your main screen is showing you. This is [...]

How can I motivate people to buy ? Part two

This article follows on from part one on how to motivate people to buy. In fact this applies to most situations where you have to convince somebody to do something. There are two categories into which every tactic will fall; to manipulate or to inspire. The vast majority will fall into the manipulate category, with only the greatest being able to inspire. I will [...]

Why complain using social media?

If you complain by phone or by email, how many people know about it? No one. Just you and the person at the end of the phone or opening the email. When you complain using social media, it is as though you are standing on the top of a tower block shouting your complaint to [...]

Why should a new employee use social media?

Here I am, 3 months into a new role. I thought I would let you know what YOU can achieve in the right environment with the right mind-set. If I can do it you can too. I firmly believe that social media can help the business world be a better place for everyone. I have jumped [...]